So it turns out you shouldn't drink ANYthing with milk product in it before surgery.
I did. So my surgery has to be rescheduled for January.
I had about a tablespoon of milk in my coffee this morning. I would have been fine drinking it, except I was so distracted this morning I didn't finish my 7:30am coffee until 10:15am. If I had finished it by 8:30 I could have gone through with it. But nope! Last gulp was 10:15am and I'm the kind of honest person who tells the Dr. and gets kicked from the roster.
But there's a good side too.
~ Work got slammed today without me (and here I am often feeling like I've accomplished nothing at the end of a 9hr day!). I missed work, my co-workers, and my customers today.
~ The doctor said I might be off anywhere up to four weeks after the surgery.
Yikes! I don't got time for that! Certainly not mid christmas season! Plus there were a few changes in how we do things at our store, so I missed day one. Oops, I'm working on positives....
Another positive I'm taking away from this is a life lesson. I've thought about what my takeaway is from this experience.
~ I need to take care of me!
I know full well what the rules are for food and drink before surgery! I've had to parent all four of my kids and my husband through too many surgeries to recount! (OMG! 12 between the 5 of them!) So why didn't I for myself?!
Because I have stopped paying attention to what matters. I've gone from 0 to 60 in a day when I went from Worksafe Rehab to Budtender in a very busy Dispensary which temporarily held the warehouse too.
I was too busy to eat properly.
Too busy get out and spend time with friends or family.
Too busy to blog, or take photos, or write my book.
Eventually got too busy to do my measly 25 min daily walk after work. (o.k. part of that has to do with my knee)
Or my 15 minute stretches in the morning.
Or a 10 minute meditation I wanted to continue....
Too busy to do anything but get up, dressed, and out the door to work. I averaged one day off every two weeks.
And that's why I didn't pay attention to the details about what I should or should not do before surgery. I was in the habit of rushing and not paying attention. To my other responsibilities. To my health. To details......and I always catch the details...
So! I'm taking this as my wake-up call. To pay more attention to bed time, to my water and food intake, to the quality of my rest, to my exercise and re-creation, both mentally and physically.
Time to pull up the big-girl panties and do the self-care thing. And I'm not talking the pampering self centred shit. I'm talking the hard to do cuz it takes determination, persistence, and work kinda self care. Paying bills. Eating well. Resting. Reading. Laughing and loving.
And the even harder stuff, the mental care. Reminding myself to let things go. To enjoy the moments. To slow down. That "its" not all on me and I'm allowed to breathe.....which I struggle to leave written cuz it sounds ridiculous when I read it in black and white. But sometimes that's how I feel, and I need to get better at recognizing it so I can keep it at bay.....and I bet I need to up my friggin' CBD intake!! (insert head-slap)
Haha! I'm very glad we had this talk.
CBD and all those things above... cuz I don't see anyone else standing here taking care of them for me. If its going to be, its up to me.
So I'm hitching them up and getting down to the important business of me., watch me trip.....
This is not intended to be used for self diagnosis. I am not a physician, or medical professional at all. I am a new user who is telling my story. If you think Cannabis might be something you are willing to try please seek out advice from an educated Medical Cannabis User. We're everywhere!
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Quick Personal Update Dec 14, 2016
Hold the phone! Surgery cancelled!
I've literally been so busy I didn't listen to or follow instruction properly. I drank coffee with a tsp of milk in it. Totally my bad! Also means I need to slow down and pay more attention.
On a good note; work was slammed without me and I'm glad I can be there over the holidays. Surgery will be rescheduled for some time in January.
Hey Peeps!
FYI I'm off to surgery today for a scope on my right knee. I'm hoping all will go smoothly and I'll only have to recover a few days. If its longer I might go stir crazy in this house! I'll miss the dispensary too much. And my customers. AND my co-workers!
In the meantime, I've been posting a lot on Facebook if you want to keep up with me. Its quicker than writing a full blog post...and with working 45+ hrs/week I don't have much time left.
Holy Macaroni! Its Dec 14th! Let my 3rd year begin!!
A few pics from the Facebook Page....
Testing a possible incoming product.
Making Capsules. More info and pics to come.
I've literally been so busy I didn't listen to or follow instruction properly. I drank coffee with a tsp of milk in it. Totally my bad! Also means I need to slow down and pay more attention.
On a good note; work was slammed without me and I'm glad I can be there over the holidays. Surgery will be rescheduled for some time in January.
Hey Peeps!
FYI I'm off to surgery today for a scope on my right knee. I'm hoping all will go smoothly and I'll only have to recover a few days. If its longer I might go stir crazy in this house! I'll miss the dispensary too much. And my customers. AND my co-workers!
In the meantime, I've been posting a lot on Facebook if you want to keep up with me. Its quicker than writing a full blog post...and with working 45+ hrs/week I don't have much time left.
Holy Macaroni! Its Dec 14th! Let my 3rd year begin!!
A few pics from the Facebook Page....
Testing a possible incoming product.
Making Capsules. More info and pics to come.
Saturday, November 26, 2016
You're Legal - Now What?
First of all, Congratulations!!
You just won the right to carry and consume Cannabis for Medical Purposes. Some of us had a hard time getting that right from our doctors, others found it easier. No matter how hard or easy that was for you, you did it! And now you can breath easier.
A big congratulations to my personal Sensei, for finally getting legal! Nearly two years after I questioned you to help me try Cannabis, here you are asking me questions. The student becomes the teacher, for this anyway. So happy for you!
If you used cannabis before you may have a learned fear. That feeling of always looking over your shoulder. You are now allowed to brush that fear off your shoulders. But there are things we still need to know and laws we still need to abide by. That’s what I’m here to tell you about.
Now what?
First of all, I find it strange that I can’t find a list or article telling us what we need to know now that we are allowed to possess Cannabis. So, I’m writing this to fill a gap the government has left empty.
This is what my prescription looks like.
Most Doctors who prescribe regularly will provide at least one of these documents to you at the end of your appointment. I happen to have two, as my prescribing doc split my prescription between two Licenced Producers (LP's). I’ve met some customers now who only have one LP, and some who have three. That’s up to you and your doctor.
DO: You need to carry at least one (better if all) of these prescriptions on you at all times.
A Licenced Producer (LP) is a government approved company who has paid big dollars to the government to legally set up a grow op. The process is long, and costly. There are 52 such companies in Canada currently.
According to the Government of Canada, an LP is the only legal way of purchasing your medical cannabis. Any purchases you make from your LP are taxed, but are also admissible for tax purposes. So far any I've used only take credit card payments. This is unfortunate for people who do not have access to credit, or a computer since the purchases are made online and not over the phone. Also a disadvantage, you are only allowed to make purchases from the one (or two) LP's you are signed up with. So if your Licenced Producer is out of product, you are out of luck for ordering.
It has happened to me. Its a big flaw in a flaw filled system.
It has happened to me. Its a big flaw in a flaw filled system.
Once you have your prescription, one of two things will happen. The doctor will fax the prescription to the chosen LP, or you will be required to do your own search and submit your script, along with an application form from your chosen company online. Pretty much all of them allow you to self apply as long as you have the original script. The application forms are usually on their front page. (see link below for list of LP’s)
DO: Consider these things when searching for an LP.
1. Are they accepting more clients? (They can only accept as many as they can grow to produce for)
2. Do the sell flower only, or also oil? (Flower for smoking, oil for ingesting)
3. Do they charge for shipping?
4. Cost? and do they have compassionate pricing?
5. Have they had recalls on product?
DO: Consider these things when searching for an LP.
1. Are they accepting more clients? (They can only accept as many as they can grow to produce for)
2. Do the sell flower only, or also oil? (Flower for smoking, oil for ingesting)
3. Do they charge for shipping?
4. Cost? and do they have compassionate pricing?
5. Have they had recalls on product?
Once you apply you will be sent an email letting you know you are approved, your client number and how to make your first purchase. Usually your client card comes with your first purchase. These LP’s are usually set up to take credit card purchases. Not one will take cash, and none are open to the public. So even if you live close to one, that does not mean they have a store front to sell from. They are required by Govt to mail our medicine via Canada Post or Purolator. Shipping is sometimes free, sometimes not. There’s tax on your product too. Some LP’s are priced at $8/gram and others at $15/gram. Some give compassionate pricing, others do not. You can only purchase in 5 gram lots or bigger.

This is why you should also carry a copy of your original prescription from your doctor, as well as your cards.
Scenario: If you were to be questioned by police while stopped for a simple headlight out, or something boring like that, and they smelled your medicine they can ask you about it. If you provide one of your LP cards, it may not have enough info on it. Always have more than you think you need.
And as far as how much you are allowed to carry on you at any given time….your whole months worth, up to but not to exceed 150 grams. I was prescribed 6 grams a day between the two LP’s. I am allowed to purchase 180 grams of cannabis per month, but I can only carry 150. Will I carry that much? Doubtful! I might have been prescribed 6 grams, but I am only consuming just under 2 gram per day at present. I don't have the money or the need to have that much on me, unless I'm traveling.
Yes, you can travel within Canada with your cannabis. Again, have all your documentation and original containers if you can. Some jurisdictions are more strictly regulated than others. You shouldn't have to tell anyone you have your cannabis. If you think of it like any of your other prescriptions, we don't inform Air Canada we packed our opioids or anti-psychotics do we? Why do we feel we need to inform them we have cannabis?
DO: Pack your cannabis in carry on luggage only. Never put it under the plane. Keep all your documents on you and follow laws regarding smoking and vaping in smoking sections only. Never take your medicine if you are traveling internationally.
Yes, you can travel within Canada with your cannabis. Again, have all your documentation and original containers if you can. Some jurisdictions are more strictly regulated than others. You shouldn't have to tell anyone you have your cannabis. If you think of it like any of your other prescriptions, we don't inform Air Canada we packed our opioids or anti-psychotics do we? Why do we feel we need to inform them we have cannabis?
DO: Pack your cannabis in carry on luggage only. Never put it under the plane. Keep all your documents on you and follow laws regarding smoking and vaping in smoking sections only. Never take your medicine if you are traveling internationally.
I was advised to always have a bottle from one of my LPS with me at all times. Let’s be real here. The bottles and jars do contain all your prescription info so this is a good idea, empty or full. But some of the bottles from different LP’s are really big and not easy to just throw into your purse (and not all of you carry purses). I decided to put an empty container into my car. I have two, one in my trunk, and one in my glovebox. They are both several months old now, and I should swap them out for newer ones. But I’m lazy like the rest of us…so not happening soon.
Don’t show your dispensary card.
Don't show your dispensary bottles.
Dispensaries are currently not regulated and seen by the Government of Canada as illegal.
Yet many operate anyway.
I’m exceptionally grateful that I now work in one. But I know I’m at risk because if it. It’s a risk worth taking as far as I’m concerned.
Why can’t you show your dispensary stuff to police?
If they decide to uphold the full law you could be charged with possession of an illegal substance, because it is not from the government approved Licenced Producer.
Is that charge likely to stick? No. Not if you're smart about it. Too many cannabis laws have already been challenged and won in the court systems. But the hassle may not be what you were bargaining on. One day, someone will likely have to fight it so we can have better, legal access to dispensaries, but if you're not up to the task, don't risk it, is all I’m saying.
A quick note on what I’ve gleaned about our beautiful Province of New Brunswick…
I work for a dispensary now. We operate daily and have since April 2016. The Police know we exist. A few have been in the store on police matters but never to investigate our business. Why? Because they know we will only take patients who already have up to date medical cannabis licences. And truthfully, if we the people want to continue having access to dispensaries we need to make sure we as clients do our best to uphold our end. Keep our documents up to date, always provide your client card, and don't invite non-medical patients into the dispensary with you... annnd no sharing your purchases with non clients. Being mindful of these can help our community to continue to have access to the dispensary.
Side Note: If a dispensary allows you to purchase cannabis from them without seeing a medical doctor, or their doctor does not give you a physical prescription that can also be given to LP's, be wary. You may not have a legal prescription that law enforcement will recognize. See link below for details on what the document should include.
How to Find and Choose a Licenced Producer:
Here are a few links that will be helpful
1. Government of Canada website
2. Lift - A Canadian hub for all things Cannabis, including strain reviews.
3. What your medical document should include: Gov’t website
4. The governments instructions on obtaining legal medical cannabis
This medicine may not be covered under insurance companies, but it is classified as a medicine now and can be claimed on your taxes! Keep your receipts! And submit them on your taxes under medical expense along with all your other medical expenses.
I did last year and got money back. You have to read the tax laws regarding medical expenses to know how it works…has to do with spending a percentage of your income, and what you pay over that percentage is given back to you. I figure storing a few papers for 7 years is worth the effort for me.
P.S. Any spelling, grammatical, or punctuation mistakes, please forgive me....Its a work in process, just like me.
Monday, July 25, 2016
Wait Until You See My New Storage Jars!
How do you store your Cannabis?
Have you ever given it a second thought beyond just keeping it out of sight, or away from little hands? Both valid details to be aware of, of course! But did you know some containers can actually degrade your product? I don't mean just bud, or just hash. However you prefer to take your medicine, its storage is important.
No matter what form your Cannabis is in, it contains cannabinoids and terpenes. Both have medicinal value, and both are sensitive to heat, light, and oxygen. It is always best to medicate with clean, fresh product. When I say fresh, I mean newer product. The older it gets the more likelihood of it being exposed to more light, heat and oxygen, degrading its potency and efficiency. No one wants to waste their money, or time on product that's gone stale. How especially sad if its preventable.
Terpenes are the ignored sisters to the THC's and CBD's of Cannabinoids. Very little is written about
terpenes. Most know that it's terpenes that give cannabis its distinctive smell. Fewer know they also give the subtle flavours to the different strains. But its the terpenes that are most responsible for the different names of strains, like Grape Ape, or Animal Cookies, and even Sour Diesel. There are cannabis flavour wheels all over the internet that show the veritable palette of scents and flavours available. And if you look a bit more you will find that many of the healing properties of the different strains are actually linked directly to their scents and flavours more than anything. (I'll have to write a blog about this one day...back on track).
Let's first address the three biggest enemies, light, heat, and oxygen. Keeping our medicine, whether in bud form, oil, shatter, hash or kief, away from these three is most important. Easy enough, store said product in a dark container. Those of us picking up our medicine from a local Ma and Pa set up are likely getting baggies and maybe brown paper bags. Those should be changed right away. Keeping your flower in the original baggie does nothing to keep those three enemies away.
Those of us with LP's receive our medicine in opaque plastic containers, air tight sealed, with "child proof" lids. These plastic tubs or bottles reduce all three enemies so it's easy to assume it's the perfect container to keep your product in.
But, it's not.
According to Ed Rosenthal, in his book Beyond Buds, its the terpenes that break down certain containers, and are in turn degraded by the chemical reaction. The worst containers to use are rubber and plastic. Some kind of chemical reaction occurs between those two compounds and causes the terpenes to degrade, which causes the container to degrade. The best containers to use would be glass, metal, or silicone. Metal and silicone are usually excellent at keeping out light, provided we close our containers properly. If choosing glass, then preferably it should be dark. If it is not, then store the jar in a dark place when not needed, or paint the outside of it with an acrylic paint from the dollar store, or decoupage it with white glue and dark tissue paper, or news print...anything to keep out the light. Don't paint the inside though, you don't want to contaminate the goods!
Also be mindful of others in your home. I have teens and a husband at home who do not partake in my medicine. So I have had to label, freeze, hide and tape off my foods, oils, honey, and capsules for many months now. This weekend though I went out and purposely pick up special glass jars that are distinctive. I have never owned anything like them before and they have never been used for anything in my home before. I emptied all my various products into the different jars, and labeled them with dissolving labels. I then informed all my family members to steer clear of any products in either of these two styles of jars as they were exclusively for my products, to keep mine separate from everyone else's. I have yet to darken them. I'm considering something that can handle the humidity of a fridge, and washable.
Have you ever given it a second thought beyond just keeping it out of sight, or away from little hands? Both valid details to be aware of, of course! But did you know some containers can actually degrade your product? I don't mean just bud, or just hash. However you prefer to take your medicine, its storage is important.
No matter what form your Cannabis is in, it contains cannabinoids and terpenes. Both have medicinal value, and both are sensitive to heat, light, and oxygen. It is always best to medicate with clean, fresh product. When I say fresh, I mean newer product. The older it gets the more likelihood of it being exposed to more light, heat and oxygen, degrading its potency and efficiency. No one wants to waste their money, or time on product that's gone stale. How especially sad if its preventable.

terpenes. Most know that it's terpenes that give cannabis its distinctive smell. Fewer know they also give the subtle flavours to the different strains. But its the terpenes that are most responsible for the different names of strains, like Grape Ape, or Animal Cookies, and even Sour Diesel. There are cannabis flavour wheels all over the internet that show the veritable palette of scents and flavours available. And if you look a bit more you will find that many of the healing properties of the different strains are actually linked directly to their scents and flavours more than anything. (I'll have to write a blog about this one day...back on track).
Let's first address the three biggest enemies, light, heat, and oxygen. Keeping our medicine, whether in bud form, oil, shatter, hash or kief, away from these three is most important. Easy enough, store said product in a dark container. Those of us picking up our medicine from a local Ma and Pa set up are likely getting baggies and maybe brown paper bags. Those should be changed right away. Keeping your flower in the original baggie does nothing to keep those three enemies away.
Those of us with LP's receive our medicine in opaque plastic containers, air tight sealed, with "child proof" lids. These plastic tubs or bottles reduce all three enemies so it's easy to assume it's the perfect container to keep your product in.
But, it's not.
According to Ed Rosenthal, in his book Beyond Buds, its the terpenes that break down certain containers, and are in turn degraded by the chemical reaction. The worst containers to use are rubber and plastic. Some kind of chemical reaction occurs between those two compounds and causes the terpenes to degrade, which causes the container to degrade. The best containers to use would be glass, metal, or silicone. Metal and silicone are usually excellent at keeping out light, provided we close our containers properly. If choosing glass, then preferably it should be dark. If it is not, then store the jar in a dark place when not needed, or paint the outside of it with an acrylic paint from the dollar store, or decoupage it with white glue and dark tissue paper, or news print...anything to keep out the light. Don't paint the inside though, you don't want to contaminate the goods!
Also be mindful of others in your home. I have teens and a husband at home who do not partake in my medicine. So I have had to label, freeze, hide and tape off my foods, oils, honey, and capsules for many months now. This weekend though I went out and purposely pick up special glass jars that are distinctive. I have never owned anything like them before and they have never been used for anything in my home before. I emptied all my various products into the different jars, and labeled them with dissolving labels. I then informed all my family members to steer clear of any products in either of these two styles of jars as they were exclusively for my products, to keep mine separate from everyone else's. I have yet to darken them. I'm considering something that can handle the humidity of a fridge, and washable.
Sunday, July 17, 2016
The history of Cannabis is simple in the beginning. Normal even for a plant that has been used as commonly as grain. It was not until more modern times that the story starts to get convoluted. For this article I have chosen to stick to the history in the United States of America (U.S.) because much of what happens in the U.S. tends to have a ripple effect on our great country of Canada and to some degree is felt across the globe.
The first indication of hemp being utilized by humans dates back as far as 7000 B.C to China where they used the seeds for food, wove its fibres into cloth, used it to make bow strings, foot wear, and the ever important paper. By 2727 B.C. cannabis was listed in the ancient medical book, Pen Ts’ao, along with hundreds of other plants, animals and minerals, and their medicinal uses. Use of hemp spread across the ancient world due to its versatility. Indications and eventually writings of its use have been found in Greece, Rome, China, Japan, India and Europe. The Spaniards took it to South America, while the Romans took it to Britain who in turn brought it to North America and attempted it in the Caribbean.
The more recent U.S. history began in 1609 when King James 1 decreed that all famers of all colonies where to grow 100 hemp plants each for export back to England for rope and fabric production. In 1619 the Virginia Assembly passed legislation that required every farmer to grow hemp. Even George Washington grew it on all five of his personal farms as one of his three main crops. It was also allowed as legal tender in Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Maryland. So domestic production was legislated and hemp flourished until after the Civil War when other products began to replace hemp.
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1906 laws regarding labelling of medicine changed.
The mid 1800’s saw a Dr.William O’Shaughnessy introduced hemp’s medicinal uses into Western medicine after he himself was introduced to it in India. Up until the early 1900’s it was regularly prescribed for coughs and colds, stomach cramps, migraines, general pain, as a sleep aide, anti-convulsant and anti-depressant, to name a few. Then in 1906 the Pure Food and Drug Act came into being and required all over the counter drugs containing cannabis to be labeled as Poison. Regardless, doctors were still prescribing it for their patients. That same year the government released the results of a three year study that predicted the complete replacement of pulp and paper from trees with fibre from hemp, stating its versatility, higher yields, low cost of processing and production, and higher quality of products. Important to note that even in 1906 they realized hemp was more sustainable environmentally too.
Immigrants from Mexico flooded into the U.S. after the Mexican Revolution and brought with them recreational use of “Marijuana”. Fear and prejudice of these new strangers caused the anti-drug promoters to warn against the “Marijuana Menace”. The Dirty Thirties only caused that fear and prejudice to deepen as the country plunged into the Great Depression, in part because the farmers were no longer allowed to grow hemp. Millions of families had lost their livelihood due to the new regulations under the Marijuana Tax.
Also during this time the creation of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, headed by the original Dirty Harry, Harry J. Anslinger had a big impact on hemp, though no one realized it until it was too late. Anslinger knew that if he could convince Congress that there was a serious drug problem amoung the immigrants he would have access to more government funding. Anslinger was one of the few who actually knew Marijuana and Hemp were the same plant, and he liked it that way. Another man who was threatened by hemps versatility was John Hearst of Hearst Media. He owned many newspapers across the country, filled with new machines to process the paper from trees. If hemp replaced tree pulp as the government predicted in 1906 then it would cost him millions to re-outfit all of his production facilities. Hemp was the enemy and together they had the power to squash it. They began a systematic attack on it. Hearst released false news stories about the “evil weed - marijuana” through Hearst Media while Anslinger would use these news stories published across the country as fact to Congress in his attempt to restrict the use of hemp. Another enemy of hemp was Du Pont. He joined forces with Hearst and Anslinger to squash hemp which would make Du Ponts newest invention of nylon useless.
Without scientific studies or hard facts to back him up, J. Anslinger finally “won” Congress over in 1937 to prohibit the production, use and distribution of marijuana through fear tactics. The next few years were confusing for the country. Suddenly farmers were no longer allowed to grow hemp but they could purchase it in cough medicine in town. In fact, the first arrest for the sale of an illegal substance was a Mr. Caldwell and his customer was the first arrested for possession in 1937, the very same day the Marijuana Tax Act was enacted.

Enter the counter-culture of the 60’s. Use of marijuana increased amoung upper middle class whites and the government realized the stories of old, that marijuana made you violent, were wrong. A short lived weakening of marijuana laws occurred in the 60’s and 70’s across a few states for a few years, eleven even decriminalizing it altogether. A study commissioned by Congress recommended that marijuana be unscheduled altogether as it was a non-toxic substance and was extremely versatile. President Nixon refused the recommendations and in 1973 when the DEA was formed it got top billing, as schedule 1. No medicinal value, high potential for abuse, no acceptable safe use. Years later Nixon’s aid, John Ehrlichman, was interview. Here’s the shocking confession of why the recommendations were ignored and marijuana was scheduled so severely.
Nation wide parent groups got bigger and with the backing of the DEA and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) they affected not just public attitudes towards drugs, but were instrumental in starting the War on Drugs of the 80’s. Mandatory sentences for drug related crimes increased, even providing for life sentences or the death penalty for “drug kingpins” under the Reagan administration.
A war waged on home soil, under a title that seemed to make the general public happy. The government was cracking down hard on druggies and pushers, dealers and growers. Commercials on television taught children, teens and adults alike that your brain on drugs was like an egg in a hot frypan. Unbeknownst to the general public it was just more fear and false information being doled out. But in reality the war was still based on prejudice and greed.
Advocacy for less archaic laws surrounding marijuana came out of the war on drugs. As the United States Government increased stricter laws, organizations began springing up across the Nation calling for decriminalization and legalization of marijauna specifically. The 70’s saw the formation of several big names in the fight against marijuana prohibition, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) the founding of High Times, and Students for Sensible Drug Policy to name a few. But advocacy really started with a man named Robert Randall. Mr. Randall sued the federal government in 1978 for arresting him for using marijuana to treat his glaucoma. Ruling in his favour the Judge issued the Food and Drug Administration to set up a program to grow and supply Mr. Randall with 300 cannabis cigarettes a month under the “Compassionate Use” program. Unfortunately Mr. Randall’s advocacy put an end to the program when in 1992 he attempted to have HIV/AIDS patients made eligible. George H.W. Bush discontinued the program as a result, but by then thirteen people were already enrolled and were allowed to continue. Mr. Irvin Rosenfeld was the second person to become eligible for the program in 1982. He attempted to have the program reopened during the second Bush’s Administration but was unsuccessful. He is one of four who still receive their shipment of cannabis cigarettes from the government.*Note: article printed in 2005.

Looking back over the history of marijuana in the United States and trying to pin down any one
reason for its prohibition can be difficult. The contributing factors are many. Reasons of fear, racial prejudice and suppression, and even greed all factor in. The road towards restricting its use had many ups and downs as the government was forced to realize the country could not truly live without hemp products. While one hand of the government was praising its versatility and benefits the other was maligning it with violent and devious behaviour. The more recent struggles between the two sides contain the same biases as the old, fears and prejudices. Only the voices against prohibition have gotten louder, and stronger because they are based on the science and fact that hemp, cannabis, or marijuana (which ever you decide to call it) is the most versatile plant with the most possible uses of any plant. Our ancestors knew it and that’s why it was spread so far and wide across the globe.
So hold on to that doobie, we just might see full legalization yet in our lifetime.
Reference Links:
cannabis patent,
Dirty Harry,
Du Pont,
Harry Anslinger,
Hearst Media,
John Ehrlichman,
schedule 1,
war on drugs
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Strain Review of Head Banger from HBB Medical Inc.
Strain: Head Banger
Hybrid 50/50 1g
Cost $9
CBD 0%
THC 22.1%
Look of Bud: A plump bud that weighed exactly 1gram with only a few long orange hairs. The larger trichomes are fairly abundant making a slightly higher than medium amount of frost.
Smell of Bud: First I detected a piney/woody smell that was earthy and warm. The lightest note is best described as diesel.
Taste of Bud: Yes I ate raw bud. It’s actually good for you. Gives you those cannabinoids that still contain the acid chain attached (CBDA, THCA, etc) and have health promoting benefits all on their own. (I’ll eventually discuss this in another blog post-it’s on my “To Blog” list).
As with the smell there was no one overpowering taste to this strain. A slight Diesel taste mixed with the generalness of eating vegetation. Not an unpleasant taste at all. (Though I’d not recommend chewing much bud as the trichomes do like to stick to your teeth leaving a gummy feel)

Burn and Effect:

Bong: Its unfortunate but my first reaction is to want to cough due to the peppery effect of this strain. I’m also not a big smoker so those of you who do smoke more might not have such a big reaction. The smoke is good a milky cloud. I feel its effects almost right away. A cerebral high that is causing me to loose a bit of focus because there are so many other senses of mine being stimulated right now as I type this on my deck this gorgeous Sunday afternoon in May. So CREATIVITY IS BOOSTED! YAY. I love that! P.S. I’ve only smoked half the bowl and feeling fine! Interestingly, I did not experience the dry eye effect after smoking the bong like I did after vaping. I'm wondering if my eyes were dry from the vents blowing in my car instead...? Not to be forgotten, ash was white right through.
Vape: First taste from the vape was diesel, than came the woody, earthy flavour. The inhale left a peppery feel in my throat that tickled a bit. There is a slight lemony note in the taste as well. The cerebral effects were very pleasant. I had a general overall sensation of wellness with no sharp turns into feeling high. I can’t say I felt it coming on or leaving but I defiantly felt emotionally light and happy. I was not prone to navel gazing or ruminating on past or future like some high indicas can do to me. The downside came on about an hour after inhalation. Major dry eyes! Easily solved if ya got some drops with you (which I didn’t!).
My grade scale will be out of five. A point per category listed above with 0, .5, 1 as possible scores.
I give Head Banger from HBB Medical Inc. a 4.5/ 5
Look: 1
Handling: 1
Burn: 1
Effect: 1
Weight Accuracy: I actually purchased two grams of this and decided to weigh the contents of both packages individually. Both were exactly 1 gram on a scale that weighs to 0.01g. Thumbs up guys and gals!
Last Notes: I was specific in my purchase this time as I had a special event this weekend. Three ladies out on the town looking for some fun. Dinner and a comedy show out of town, so I wanted something that would give us a happy mood but not make us anxious in public, nor sleepy cuz I was driving an hour there and back. I asked for a 50/50 Indica/Sativa hybrid mix and Mr. B pointed me right to two strains in the showcase. Head Banger and Tahoe. The only reason I choose one over the other was because I had heard the name before. I wasn’t disappointed.
I never felt lethargic or muddled the whole night. Was able to navigate new streets with ease, feel relaxed in a new situation in a new city, in a dive of a bar. It was sketchy but I felt at ease and capable of handling an event I’d normally not even entertain attending. It was the perfect choice for a night out with friends. A perfect day strain. It would probably be great for doing any kind of creative activity as well. Over all, I love this strain. I’d chose it again.
Correction: I want to mention again the topic of moisture in the bud that I paid so much attention to in my first review. When I stopped by HBB Medical Mr. C was kind enough to educate me in the fine timing of curing. And I fully admit to still being Newbie enough to not know everything. Remember, my only experience so far is getting perfectly cured bud from LP’s in plastic jars with air tight sealing. So I’m willing and wanting to learn from anyone, even my mistakes. So hopefully I can correctly retell what I think he was telling me.
When HBB packages their product it is done so when the moisture is such that the trichomes are not so brittle that they crush easily. It is recommended that after purchase you store your bud in a dark glass jar (or similar). I did this and the product was better only a few hours later.
I’ve asked the guys to feel free to comment below the first review and describe what he told me in person. Hopefully one of them will get around to it, as my desire is to learn myself, but educate others as well. And if I’ve made a mistake in something I’ve conveyed here I’d love it if someone out there who knows I’m wrong would correct me. I’d hate to think I’m spreading false information when false information is what we are trying to get away from as we as a Country work on legalizing.
Friday, May 20, 2016
Follow Up to My Cannabis Break
It was three weeks ago that I told you all I was taking a break from Cannabis. I think I've processed that week long enough. Time to tell you what happened.
I started this blog as a way to process the changes that I have been going through since starting Cannabis as my medicine. The desire to educate people grew the more I learned and realized how little actual truth about this herb is out there.
I have to state, the changes that sometimes occur are not always medical, or physical. In my case I was very religious my whole adult life. Like, the kind of Christian who wouldn't let my kids watch Disney movies cuz they were full of witchcraft, or magic. I was THAT kind. I shutter, and have much regret for who I was back then. But I try to let the voice of wisdom speak louder and remind me that I only did the best I could with the knowledge I had back then. My best just happens to be better today then my best back then...that's all. ('s not always better...I'm still a work in process.)
My last intake of cannabis in any form was a Friday night. I was off fully until Tuesday evening when I started to ingest it so I could sleep. I didn't start back to my day use, vaping and/or smoking until Saturday night a week later. It has taken these last two weeks to re-acclaimate and mentally/emotionally process all that has gone on internally.
I had a VERY bad first weekend. My biggest physical issue was restless legs, preventing me from sleeping. They hadn't actually start bothering me until day 2. But you can only go for so long without sleeping well. My other physical issues, pain, were easily dealt with by using Tylenol and Aleve. (These are the two drugs I've been on for years and the reason I started Cannabis in the first place was to get off them so as not to over stress my kidneys any further). My mental issues were mostly due to the ridiculous amount of stress I was under for a prolonger period of time. Years. And a big contributing factor was/is my ever present self doubt; doubting my judgment and well...everything. Much of this self doubt comes from the shame associated with my previous religiosity. (Not that church caused it, but rather for me it fed an already established shame and made it grow.)
A small example of how bad I was at the beginning of this pursuit; by the middle of the afternoon on the first Saturday I was literally packing all my cannabis related things into a box and hiding it all in my closet. Bongs, lighters, weed, printed material about cannabis, and my colouring page from #myTHCbox also went. I couldn't stand the sight of any of it so I cleared it out of sight completely. I was at the point of hating that I had ever started it. I deleted groups, and unfollower Cannabis community Facebook pages. I just couldn't have been more hateful towards cannabis.
By Tuesday afternoon I had pulled out a little weed to roll a joint and I start back eating my AVB with ice cream at bed time just so I could sleep. But I had still decided I'd not ever go back to using Cannabis as much as I had been. I could deal with the physical pain by using pharma products and I was willing to take the risk of damaging my kidneys. I got over that by the next Saturday.
My last day off weed was horrid. I was unable to think a positive thought. But by dinner I realized I was on a bad thought track and knew the only way to combat it was to grab my cannabis and get couch-locked! It worked too. Stress left. I calmed the fuck down and realized the sky was not falling. Next day I had the best Sunday a person could have.
And as I processed that weedless week I know that my emotional instability was not and is not caused by my Cannabis use. I really was under a crap load of situations. Most of which have now been resolved, thankfully! It just took a ridiculous amount of time. A couple issues remain, but I'm working on those with Mindfulness practices I learned in classes given by a medical Doctor here in the city; learning some new (and badly needed) coping skills, gaining insight into the causes of stress, and seeing a counsellor. I've spoken with both the M.D. and the counsellor about my shame issues that were fed and grew to huge proportions under the guise of a loving God and both have applauded me for getting out of something that caused me to feel so much shame. Unfortunately that doesn't remove some of the wrong beliefs I still have. That might take years to do in some cases. Some of those shame issues are what had me second guessing my original choice to start cannabis. So while I was six feet under all these major stressors recently those very shame issues were raising an even stronger opposition. But my week off helped clear up and remove the lack of trust I had in myself, at least regarding the issue of Cannabis as medicine!
I've learned that Cannabis was not causing me to stress out, life was. Cannabis helps me realize what is no big deal so I can focus on what is.
I know that popping a low dose canna-cap of a Sativa/CBD mix allows me to chase the blues away. I don't feel any cerebral effects but I don't get dragged down by the time I've finished my first cup of coffee either, which can happen if I don't medicate effectively.
I know that I need to get more serious about keeping connected to the larger medical cannabis community. Not that there is anything wrong with the few people I've started to get to know, I just know they don't have all the answers either. Some of them are just as new (or newer) than me. But there is a world full of life-long medical cannabis patients who have a wealth of information that I want to learn from.
I know that I don't know enough about how to medicate properly for pain. I am still medicating with big pharma for pain and inflammation. I want and need to know more.
I'm also allowing myself some grace. My original pain issue was better for six months. I had more mobility and less restrictions due to pain since starting cannabis back December 2014. My new injury occurred mid August. It was intense! I was SO disappointed by the set back! So now, rather than being disappointed that I had to go back on big pharma drugs after I had only just gotten off of them I am learning to be ok with what is right now. Unfortunately I also badly sprained my ankle two weeks ago so I again had to increase my dose of pharma to the max while this newest injury heals. But giving myself a break (or grace) is exactly what I need to learn here, so I'm learning.
Although this may not have been the best way to do it, I do believe this break was a success. I've learned more about me, and what works for me because of it. And as a side note, three weeks out I have felt an internal shift recently that I'm hoping is permanent. It's a healthier perspective with less self doubt. If I went through a hellish week just for that it was well worth it!
I started this blog as a way to process the changes that I have been going through since starting Cannabis as my medicine. The desire to educate people grew the more I learned and realized how little actual truth about this herb is out there.
I have to state, the changes that sometimes occur are not always medical, or physical. In my case I was very religious my whole adult life. Like, the kind of Christian who wouldn't let my kids watch Disney movies cuz they were full of witchcraft, or magic. I was THAT kind. I shutter, and have much regret for who I was back then. But I try to let the voice of wisdom speak louder and remind me that I only did the best I could with the knowledge I had back then. My best just happens to be better today then my best back then...that's all. ('s not always better...I'm still a work in process.)
My last intake of cannabis in any form was a Friday night. I was off fully until Tuesday evening when I started to ingest it so I could sleep. I didn't start back to my day use, vaping and/or smoking until Saturday night a week later. It has taken these last two weeks to re-acclaimate and mentally/emotionally process all that has gone on internally.
I had a VERY bad first weekend. My biggest physical issue was restless legs, preventing me from sleeping. They hadn't actually start bothering me until day 2. But you can only go for so long without sleeping well. My other physical issues, pain, were easily dealt with by using Tylenol and Aleve. (These are the two drugs I've been on for years and the reason I started Cannabis in the first place was to get off them so as not to over stress my kidneys any further). My mental issues were mostly due to the ridiculous amount of stress I was under for a prolonger period of time. Years. And a big contributing factor was/is my ever present self doubt; doubting my judgment and well...everything. Much of this self doubt comes from the shame associated with my previous religiosity. (Not that church caused it, but rather for me it fed an already established shame and made it grow.)
A small example of how bad I was at the beginning of this pursuit; by the middle of the afternoon on the first Saturday I was literally packing all my cannabis related things into a box and hiding it all in my closet. Bongs, lighters, weed, printed material about cannabis, and my colouring page from #myTHCbox also went. I couldn't stand the sight of any of it so I cleared it out of sight completely. I was at the point of hating that I had ever started it. I deleted groups, and unfollower Cannabis community Facebook pages. I just couldn't have been more hateful towards cannabis.
By Tuesday afternoon I had pulled out a little weed to roll a joint and I start back eating my AVB with ice cream at bed time just so I could sleep. But I had still decided I'd not ever go back to using Cannabis as much as I had been. I could deal with the physical pain by using pharma products and I was willing to take the risk of damaging my kidneys. I got over that by the next Saturday.
My last day off weed was horrid. I was unable to think a positive thought. But by dinner I realized I was on a bad thought track and knew the only way to combat it was to grab my cannabis and get couch-locked! It worked too. Stress left. I calmed the fuck down and realized the sky was not falling. Next day I had the best Sunday a person could have.
And as I processed that weedless week I know that my emotional instability was not and is not caused by my Cannabis use. I really was under a crap load of situations. Most of which have now been resolved, thankfully! It just took a ridiculous amount of time. A couple issues remain, but I'm working on those with Mindfulness practices I learned in classes given by a medical Doctor here in the city; learning some new (and badly needed) coping skills, gaining insight into the causes of stress, and seeing a counsellor. I've spoken with both the M.D. and the counsellor about my shame issues that were fed and grew to huge proportions under the guise of a loving God and both have applauded me for getting out of something that caused me to feel so much shame. Unfortunately that doesn't remove some of the wrong beliefs I still have. That might take years to do in some cases. Some of those shame issues are what had me second guessing my original choice to start cannabis. So while I was six feet under all these major stressors recently those very shame issues were raising an even stronger opposition. But my week off helped clear up and remove the lack of trust I had in myself, at least regarding the issue of Cannabis as medicine!
What this whole week taught me:
The whole reason I took a weedless week was to see if cannabis was causing or creating more stress and drama in my life. I went through a strange week, denying its effectiveness first, accepting its medical use in one area of my life, and then embracing it fully again.I've learned that Cannabis was not causing me to stress out, life was. Cannabis helps me realize what is no big deal so I can focus on what is.
I know that popping a low dose canna-cap of a Sativa/CBD mix allows me to chase the blues away. I don't feel any cerebral effects but I don't get dragged down by the time I've finished my first cup of coffee either, which can happen if I don't medicate effectively.
I know that I need to get more serious about keeping connected to the larger medical cannabis community. Not that there is anything wrong with the few people I've started to get to know, I just know they don't have all the answers either. Some of them are just as new (or newer) than me. But there is a world full of life-long medical cannabis patients who have a wealth of information that I want to learn from.
I know that I don't know enough about how to medicate properly for pain. I am still medicating with big pharma for pain and inflammation. I want and need to know more.
I'm also allowing myself some grace. My original pain issue was better for six months. I had more mobility and less restrictions due to pain since starting cannabis back December 2014. My new injury occurred mid August. It was intense! I was SO disappointed by the set back! So now, rather than being disappointed that I had to go back on big pharma drugs after I had only just gotten off of them I am learning to be ok with what is right now. Unfortunately I also badly sprained my ankle two weeks ago so I again had to increase my dose of pharma to the max while this newest injury heals. But giving myself a break (or grace) is exactly what I need to learn here, so I'm learning.
Although this may not have been the best way to do it, I do believe this break was a success. I've learned more about me, and what works for me because of it. And as a side note, three weeks out I have felt an internal shift recently that I'm hoping is permanent. It's a healthier perspective with less self doubt. If I went through a hellish week just for that it was well worth it!
mary jane,
medical marijuana,
Restless Leg Syndrome,
Saturday, May 07, 2016
Strain Review: Flower from HBB Medical Inc.

Welcome to the neighbourhood HBB Medical Inc.! I will do a post later introducing you all to a dream come true! I literally didn't think this would happen for years, yet here we are. Opened April 2016 and I've been in and am doing my first review. More on them later.
Purchase Date: May 5, 2016
Strain: Champagne
CBD/Sativa 1g
Cost $10
CBD 8%
THC 6%
Look of Bud: The nug looks dense and full and well trimmed. Lovely mix of dark and mid greens with long orange hairs. Tricomes are visible creating a medium amount of frost.
Smell of Bud: Scent is fruity and sweet, reminiscent of Sweet Island Skunk. Slight pungent hint of skunk with an earthy undertone.

It has a slight floral and earthy taste. After 2 min I felt a slight buzz, 4 minutes a medium head high. At 8 minutes I was at full effect which is a nice head tingling relaxed contentment. I feel happy to sit here writing my review, or moving indoors cuz the wind is picking up. The low THC of 6% is deceiving though. The relaxed energy I have is perfect for having a conversation with the Bell Fibre Op lady at the door, or getting creative with what I’m going to do in my next art class (or what to say for the next sentence). Music is standing out more to me than it does with some other strains. This is the perfect strain for me for when I want to dance around to loud music while cleaning the house. Or getting physically active like working out or going for a run.
When vaped the taste is distinctively pine and lemon with a slight skunky, earthy undertone. I found the taste rather pleasant. The effect time is about the same vaping as it is smoking. Length of time the effects lasted was longer than I expected. I noticed a slight brain tingle even 3 hours after I had smoked a bowl around 5:30pm last evening.
My grade scale will be out of five. A point per category listed above with 0, .5, 1 as possible scores.
I give Champagne from HBB Medical Inc. a 3/5
Look: 1
Smell: 0.5
Handling: 0 *not fully cured
Burn: 0.5
Effect: 1
I’d like to note that there is a risk of mold growing in the bud if moisture is left in it and then packaged. Check your package before you make your purchase, as long as there is no mold evident it is possible to complete the curing process yourself at home. Simply pop your purchased buds into a brown paper bag and let sit in a cool DRY place for a day or two.
Check out my second Strain Review Here!
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