Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Quick Personal Update Dec 14, 2016

Hold the phone!  Surgery cancelled!
I've literally been so busy I didn't listen to or follow instruction properly. I drank coffee with a tsp of milk in it. Totally my bad! Also means I need to slow down and pay more attention.
On a good note; work was slammed without me and I'm glad I can be there over the holidays. Surgery will be rescheduled for some time in January.

Hey Peeps!

FYI I'm off to surgery today for a scope on my right knee. I'm hoping all will go smoothly and I'll only have to recover a few days. If its longer I might go stir crazy in this house! I'll miss the dispensary too much. And my customers. AND my co-workers!

In the meantime, I've been posting a lot on Facebook if you want to keep up with me. Its quicker than writing a full blog post...and with working 45+ hrs/week I don't have much time left.

Holy Macaroni! Its Dec 14th! Let my 3rd year begin!!

A few pics from the Facebook Page....

Testing a possible incoming product.

 Making Capsules. More info and pics to come.

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