Thursday, December 15, 2016

I Screwed Up My Surgery

So it turns out you shouldn't drink ANYthing with milk product in it before surgery.
I did. So my surgery has to be rescheduled for January.
I had about a tablespoon of milk in my coffee this morning. I would have been fine drinking it, except I was so distracted this morning I didn't finish my 7:30am coffee until 10:15am. If I had finished it by 8:30 I could have gone through with it. But nope! Last gulp was 10:15am and I'm the kind of honest person who tells the Dr. and gets kicked from the roster.


But there's a good side too.

~ Work got slammed today without me (and here I am often feeling like I've accomplished nothing at the end of a 9hr day!). I missed work, my co-workers, and my customers today.

~ The doctor said I might be off anywhere up to four weeks after the surgery.
Yikes! I don't got time for that! Certainly not mid christmas season! Plus there were a few changes in how we do things at our store, so I missed day one. Oops, I'm working on positives....

Another positive I'm taking away from this is a life lesson. I've thought about what my takeaway is from this experience.

~ I need to take care of me!

I know full well what the rules are for food and drink before surgery! I've had to parent all four of my kids and my husband through too many surgeries to recount! (OMG! 12 between the 5 of them!) So why didn't I for myself?!

Because I have stopped paying attention to what matters. I've gone from 0 to 60 in a day when I went from Worksafe Rehab to Budtender in a very busy Dispensary which temporarily held the warehouse too.
I was too busy to eat properly.
Too busy get out and spend time with friends or family.
Too busy to blog, or take photos, or write my book.
Eventually got too busy to do my measly 25 min daily walk after work. (o.k. part of that has to do with my knee)
Or my 15 minute stretches in the morning.
Or a 10 minute meditation I wanted to continue....
Too busy to do anything but get up, dressed, and out the door to work. I averaged one day off every two weeks.

And that's why I didn't pay attention to the details about what I should or should not do before surgery. I was in the habit of rushing and not paying attention. To my other responsibilities. To my health. To details......and I always catch the details...

So! I'm taking this as my wake-up call. To pay more attention to bed time, to my water and food intake, to the quality of my rest, to my exercise and re-creation, both mentally and physically.

Time to pull up the big-girl panties and do the self-care thing. And I'm not talking the pampering self centred shit. I'm talking the hard to do cuz it takes determination, persistence, and work kinda self care. Paying bills. Eating well. Resting. Reading. Laughing and loving.
And the even harder stuff, the mental care. Reminding myself to let things go. To enjoy the moments. To slow down. That "its" not all on me and I'm allowed to breathe.....which I struggle to leave written cuz it sounds ridiculous when I read it in black and white. But sometimes that's how I feel, and I need to get better at recognizing it so I can keep it at bay.....and I bet I need to up my friggin' CBD intake!! (insert head-slap)

Haha! I'm very glad we had this talk.

CBD and all those things above... cuz I don't see anyone else standing here taking care of them for me. If its going to be, its up to me.
So I'm hitching them up and getting down to the important business of me., watch me trip.....

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