I have been restricted to partaking of my ganja alone for the first 8 weeks of this journey. With little bits of advice, coaxing, or encouragement from my bestie, Sensei. But that came to a happy end last Friday. First, how that came to happen.
Coffee dates. I LOVE coffee dates! For me they are times of deep conversation that literally feeds my heart and soul. One on one, two way connection. Earlier this week I had the privilege of a coffee date with a new friend. One who also desires deep relationship with other humans, to help keep her sane. During our conversation about religion, school and general life stuff I felt she was probably a safe person to tell I smoked weed. It was probably the best reaction I’ve ever had. She was stoked for me, and suggested we become weed buddies. Sounded like a great possibility since I’ve been on my own right from the start.
So, I tested that open ended invitation just two days later. After dropping one of the kids off to Youth Group I texted her to see what she was up to. Right away I was invited to join her and meet yet another young lady who had been told all about me already. I joined them for coffee and about an hour later we were off to find a place to enjoy a joint together. I was nervous, yet excited and ready for this step! We took my car home first as I’m too new to this to even attempt to drive. Friend #1 drove. She’s driven high a lot apparently, and since she’s still alive I figured I could trust her.
We sat in a gas station parking lot and rolled our joints. This was the first time I had used a roller. Usually I just hand roll. My joint came out looking like a cannon and we all laughed at it, but it worked...gotta get me one of those! The two in the front shared, I just used my own in the back. I figured it saved the awkward assumption of whose stuff do we use. That, plus I was able to actually watch and learn. For instance, I found out it’s not me doing something wrong that prevents my joints from staying lit. The girls up front had to re-lite theirs too. The driver found a park at which to sit and talk while we did the puff puff pass. This night I decided not to limit myself to just a few drags. Usually I only get enough to get my head swishy. Instead, since I was out with other users I was going to smoke as much as I could. And I did….3/4 of the joint myself. That’s quite a bit considering one now lasts me four doses.
I was also offered a drag from their joint (was I suppose to share too?). I was told it was high grade medicinal quality, medical marihuana. So another first, I have now tried medicinal quality. Holy Crap! The stuff was so smooth I couldn’t tell if I was inhaling it! I’m sure I took a good 4 or 5 drags from that one in total before we headed out. There is no comparison. That stuff was good shit! And I promptly high texted, informing Sensei via messenger we needed to get some good shit.
The reason we were sitting in the car in a park on a blustery evening was because not one of us has an indoor place we can go to smoke (note to self; find more friends - just kidding). Kinda sad, but come summer it won’t matter too much I suspect. We headed to the drivers place were we were allowed to hang while high. I was not worried about interacting with anyone because I was told the house mate who didn't smoke up knew the driver did and was ok with it. Little did I know at the time the girlfriend and her kid were there too! I kept my head down and talked as little as possible. We watched funny cat videos. We did talk about some deep stuff. I found out I know a lot about Cannabis! More than most who smoke it. Odd how the Newbie is also the teacher. Friend #1 (the driver) made note to me after the others had left the main floor how I had just interacted with multiple people and been ok. A couple firsts....and she was right, not horrid.
I actually inquired of Sensei at this point in the night what to do. It had been suggested I have a few more puffs before I go home. But I had not done that before. When alone I have my one time outside and take in enough to get swimmy headed then I pretty much go to bed to avoid contact with any of my kids. Should I actually have a second puff? It was three hours since we were at the park. Sensei’s advice was, if I’m enjoying my night and feel good, why not!? So, I did. Weirdly, I felt rebellious doing so. It was more than just A dose to help drive out depression. This was total recreational use at this point for me. I arrived home freshly high on the medical stuff. I headed straight for bed while being congratulated via text by Sensei for being out all night. I was in the house after midnight (no ones calling me old again!). My first night with people, and in front of multiple strangers, was a smokin’ success in my books.
The next morning was a whole new ball of wax! I’ve had the head buzz remain after smoking the night before, but that is no longer happening now. Except, I’m pretty sure using the medical stuff had a different effect on me. I was still slightly high when I first woke, and then the buzz wasn’t the same at all. This time I was so ridiculously laid back and unmotivated to move that it took me three hours to pick up and put away a few books and papers in the living room so I could vacuum it. I didn't even consider getting dressed until after noon, and packing an overnight bag for our Valentines trip was painstakingly slow. I managed to not miss anything, thankfully. I felt the effect of the previous nights high until 2:30pm, and I liked it. Interacting with my kids and husband was not a problem. I could fully think and had no trouble with getting lost on a train of thought. Perhaps that is what a body high feels like? I recall being very thankful I didn't have to work that day, cuz there would have been NO WAY I could do that! My job involve too much moving at a fast pace.
Frankly, the whole experience only solidified even more my resolve to keep moving forward with the Medical Marihuana process.
So this will happen again. It was fun! Thanks ladies for a great evening of many firsts for me.
So this will happen again. It was fun! Thanks ladies for a great evening of many firsts for me.
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