I just have to tell you this story this morning. I'm sorry I've left ya's all hanging with the progress of getting legal...I promise I'll get to that. But this was too cute not to share.
I have a 12 year old girl who knows I use Cannabis as medicine. She has been told not to talk about it at school and such because this is the kind of thing people would break into a house for. Well, I wanted a bit of fear in her. I hope that's not wrong...anyway....
A couple days ago her and her Dad went for a walk around the neighbourhood after dinner. As they passed the park Dad noticed a small group of boys looking 'suspicious', but not dangerous or threatening, so they ignored the boys and kept going. My daughter whispers to her Dad as they pass the boys, 'It stinks Dad'. He asks, 'What stinks? What does it smell like?' "It smells like Mommy's medicine", she whispered. Haha! What a perfect answer!
Today I got to hear a new story about her. She and her Dad left early and visited The Market this morning. A once a week tradition in our city for over a hundred years. It's always a bustle of people, good smells, local food, and local artisans. We have our favourites, and that's exactly where they were headed. One vendor is a lovely lady we have purchased her hand made hats, and purses from. My daughter makes sure to greet her every time she goes. They like to talk about her hand made items and learning how to knit, or crochet, or sew, or school. She's such a neat lady. Well todays conversation I'm glad I missed the live version! First, an important piece to this story.

I was feeling creative recently. For a while now I have been toying with a couple ideas of Cannabis inspired hand made something, a blanket, pillow, quilt, bag. Anything really. I have searched Pinterest relentlessly but have found very few patterns. I'll have to wing it I guess, which is what makes me hesitant to try anything. I'm not that good at any craft. BUT! I did get creative a bit! I crocheted a cannabis leaf with multi-coloured hemp string. It just won't lay flat by its self. I considered it a fail even if it is pretty.

My most recent inspiration came from a friend whom I found out did not own a keychain. I found that kinda strange and decided to solve that. While away recently I hunted for a keychain but found nothing that said his name. When I returned home, after more Pinterest inspirations I traced a cannabis leaf from my computer screen, traced it again onto felt, and with a random broken keychain found in my house I put together this!
It's about two inches long, chain not included.
He was quite pleased! His first ever keychain. And I got on a kick! It was fun making that. So this is what else I have made since then.
This one was too big for a keychain but the crocheted
one looks great stitched to it.
Made a very mini one. Stuffed and all.
Oh right, back to my story.
So my DH tells me that at the market this morning our daughter was trying to explain to the lady what her Mom had been making. She was so proud of my creations and was happy to tell someone, but she must have realized part way though that she couldn't tell anyone what it actually was. So as she described it, my husband said, after she hesitated, as a kind of fern leaf. Of course this wonderful women who had no idea the awkward situation my daughter had gotten herself into was asking all kinds of questions about what I made and how.
I get the feeling this girl is going to be an unending source of funny stories just due to her innocent and excitable nature.