about what I've learned and why I do what I do. That's fine. My husband has to hear about it, until I over load him with details. Last night while explaining something to him I realized, it's exactly what I need to explain in my next blog post. How and Why I use Cannabis Infused Oils.
From my reading, video watching and experimenting there are now a few things I do because it makes medical and/or logical sense to me. This works for me. Something else might work best for you. I also realize that there are places with fewer or more regulations than I now have in Canada. You do what's best for you. I'm just giving you some ideas that you might want to learn or adopt. In the mean time, I'm always learning! So tomorrow it's possible, with more information, I may change how I do things.
When I purchase my medical marijuana I get a full range of strains. My desire is to get the best strains to fit the physical issues I have, gently intertwined with the type of high they produce. I have to factor how the product will be used, if I had it last time, as well as taste. Taste matters to me since vaping releases way more of the specific taste of each strain than smoking a joint does. I always choose the high CBD strain, two Sativa and two Indica strains. About 1/3 of the bud goes to oil and the other 2/3 to vaping or joints (maybe its closer to 1/2 and 1/2).
I use Coconut oil because I have read that Coconut oil is more bio-available. It has a higher fat content than butter, and thus a better
carrier for the cannabinoids. Coconut oil has many of its own health benefits and is easily absorbed by the skin since it melts with your own body heat. It smells great, and adds flavour. It is both edible and great for topicals so I don't bother with Cannabutter anymore. I can make one small "batch" (all of 1/4 cup today) and divid it up, half to some edibles and half to topical use. Two separate jars of course so as not to end up eating what I've stuck my fingers into.
Note: storage can be fridge or counter top, depending on how hot it is. Coconut oil will liquify in a warm room. This does not change the medicinal (or other) effects of the infused oil, but it affects what I store it in. I found a small sample glass jar (0.5oz) to be the perfect size to store or carry my Infused oil. As testament, my jar of liquified oil did not leak during my recent cross Province flights (but my face wash did).
The Cannabis Infused Coconut Oil

high CBD, 1/3 Sativa and 1/3 Indica. The reason for this is so I get a wide spectrum of medicinal value for my effort. The CBD strain is great for reducing inflammation which causes or contributes to pain and it reduces spasticity (like Restless Leg Syndrome). The Sativa provides a happy or euphoric energy that I like in the day. It has anti-depressant properties that have changed my life! The Indica provides good pain killing effects that I need. Yes, the indica usually produces a heavy body feel making one dopey and sleepy. Not a great effect when I need to medicate every day, all day. The benefit of having all three strains in the oil in equal-ish amounts is the CBD and Sativa help counter the sleepy and the high effects of the Indica strain. It sort of levels everything out so that there is less (but still some) effect of the high, with all the medicinal value. That being said, if I take in more than the 1/4 tsp I use I can still get pretty blazed!
How I Medicate
In the morning I will ingest about 1/4 tsp of Infused Coconut oil. Either by melting it in my morning coffee (which I do in a small cup on the side, like a shot) or in a food item I have made. Eating the Infused Oil provides a good pain reducer for up to five hours I've found. Before getting dressed I rub infused oil into my arthritis (AO) affected knees and the muscles on my left arm. The oil absorbs in quickly and does not leave a greasy feel. Because I apply it to or near the source of pain and inflammation it is a more targeted approach specifically to reduce them. Since I first tested it out I will not work a shift without first applying the oil to my knees.
The rest of the day I use my Vape. Throughout the day I vape a mix of High CBD and one or both of the sativas I have. This, layered on top of the body/pain relieving high that I've already started by eating the oil helps the medicine to stay at the same level with little drop off, unless I have restraints in my ability to vape, which can happen, especially while at work.
Come evening is when I exclusively use the Indica/CBD mix. I could vape this, but for some reason, out of habit since it's the first thing I tried maybe, I like to roll a joint with one or both my Indicas. I have also used a bong and a pipe instead of a joint from time to time, but I find the activity of sitting outside for a puff rather relaxing while the weather is nice. The reason I use no Sativa and only Indica/CBD at bed time is to keep me relaxed and sleepy rather than energetic. I mix the Indica and CBD strain because the first is

This method of medicating works for me because most of it is discreet, easy to do anywhere, anytime, and its effects are long lasting. I'm sure if it was necessary to go a period of time without being able to go out for a puff I will still be able to medicate without anyone being the wiser with just my infused coconut oil.
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