Three months of missing my customers.
Three months of wondering which direction to take with my life.
Three months of receiving cannabis job postings from across Canada....and I have something to say about that.
Not once have I received less than three, but usually its between 10 and 30 new job postings, A DAY!
The few posts for Budtenders out there are almost always for part time positions, OR they are looking for people with Social Work backgrounds or medical backgrounds. It is disheartening to say the least!
I have knowledge! Lots of it. I also have the skill and professionalism to teach others one on one how to medicate, which strains to pick and which method of intake would be best for different issues, or lifestyles. I know how and HAVE taught people, with success, how to make their life better when medicating with cannabis. But apparently that skill is not enough for the legal or grey market. Unfortunately I am not savvy enough to know how to market myself and start my own business.
My perspective of who uses cannabis, and this whole legalization process has changed a couple times since I have become a medical cannabis user only four short years ago. I now see very little difference between medical users and recreation users. Anyone who uses cannabis regularly, even if its a couple times a month, is using it for its medicinal properties. The real difference is one could find a doctor to write the damn prescription, and the others either are too afraid to ask, or can't find (or afford) a doctor to write the prescription. That's the ONLY difference.
Meanwhile our government is literally stealing away the very medicine, and the jobs we held, from us. In part by arresting honest people who chose to help others in the grey (black) market, which in turn prevents them from getting good paying jobs in pretty much anything due to having a criminal record. But also by taking these cannabis jobs and putting titles, and educational parameters that many in the field already, don't have. Many of us had to get those jobs, and our education from the illegal market place, or while in hiding. It's beginning to feel like the government is trying to take away the knowledge of cannabis from the common man by lifting all the jobs up and out of the common workforce. Or maybe I'm just being paranoid...
Another issue I have found. No one in the government sanctioned medical Licenced Producer market is willing to hire from the grey market. We are marked as a non-conformist. We work in the grey market because we don't believe the system the Liberals brought in will work, so right there we don't qualify, because we don't already tow the line.
Am I less of an advocate because I am unwilling to take a part-time job as a Budtender somewhere? Am I less qualified because I am unwilling to risk being arrested?
No. But with all the angry postings on Facebook from medical and recreational users and advocates I think I am seen as less. With companies passing up my knowledge and passion to teach others how to medicate effectively for their clients improved health I'm wondering why I bothered in the first place.
Where is the peace, love, and hippie-shit Cannabis use to be about? Where is the community I first found when I started? Now I'm seeing division between Legal and Illegal and Grey market places. I'm seeing and hearing how medical dispensaries are pitted against one another and even calling the police to report other dispensaries or personal growers. Its despicable!
Yes, its about money. Everything is always about money (and control)...unfortunately while some are trying to sabotage others and we have infighting amongst the good people who originally wanted to help, the govt is still bulldozing a broken system into place and we will soon have no other options, other than to go back to the black market and remain in hiding.
Perhaps I'll learn what its like to have to look over my shoulder after all.
God I wish I was a better writer....I'd apply somewhere as a Cannabis writer if I were.
oh well. The call centre gig is all I got for now.
Peace Love and Hippie-shit's still important. As is fighting together for our rights.
Keep up with me on Instagram #Newbieontheherb, and Newbieontheherb on Facebook too.