I mean, I've made edibles before and have had a 98% success rate. Only one product I made was void of any cerebral effects. I can't say it had no medicinal effect though, because regardless of whether I decarbed it properly or not, or it had enough Kief in it or not, it contained cannabinoids. Therefore it had medicinal effect. But I won't be trying to make hard candy again for some time!
I have been concerned for lately about finding my dose. The right amount that I can make consistently. I first had to find out how to calculate the amount of THC per piece of baked good or chocolate (or gelcap). I hunted for some sort of formula for a while on the internet until it was with great relief I was given this one. This is the actual math for my most recent batch.
2g X 1000 = 2000mg
2000mg X 22.4%THC = 448mg
448mg divided by 15 pieces = 29.8mg/piece
So the formula for you to fill in is....
#g x 1000 x THC% divided by # of pieces
If you are unsure of the THC amount use 10% as it is typically an average for generic street weed. All prescription Cannabis from you LP or local dispensary will have the THC% written somewhere on their container. I add the decimal point in the calculation as it makes it that much more accurate.
Enough with math! Lets get to the chocolate recipe! Apologies, I did not take a whole lot of pictures this time as I was way to stressed about having this turn out right (maybe next time I'll do a video demo).
Decarbing the Cannabis
Next morning I added 2 Tbsp of Coconut Oil to the decarbed bud and warmed it in the oven for another 20 minutes. I was in no hurry. My purpose was to hopefully get as much of the THC converted as possible.
Canna Chocolates
Ingredients:4 oz chocolate (I used Semi-sweet Bakers Chocolate Squares)
1 tsp cocoa powder (to counter the oil)
2 Tbsp Infused Coconut Oil (or Cannabutter)
(Bit of paraffin wax for consistency)
1/4 cup granola
1/4 cup ground nuts
2 Tbsp shredded coconut (I used unsweetened, I'd prefer sweetened in this case)
- Melt chocolate and infused oil over a double boiler and mix well until fully melted.
- Added a few small chunks of paraffin wax, about the size of the thumb to the first joint. It is usually used to make the finished product glossy, but since I added extra oil I didn't want my end product to melt just by looking at them, so the wax helps reduce that effect too.
- NOTE: I did not strain out the bud from my oil. In order to get the maximum amount of benefit from my medicine I didn't want to risk throwing away any terpenes or cannabinoids by straining out the bud. I just made sure it was very well ground up so the bits were small.
- After mixing the chocolate, oil and wax together I prepped my production line.
This is where I differed the manufacturing of my chocolates. I had already done the math and knew I needed to make 15 to get the dose I wanted per chocolate. So I laid out 15 chocolate candy cups, the bowl of granola/coconut/ground nuts and the bowl of medicated chocolate.
- I spooned out a teaspoon of chocolate into the bottom of the cups, which had been dusted with cocoa.
- Next I spooned a 1/4 tsp of granola mix into each cup. Mixing a little with a toothpick to mix it into the chocolate.
- I then spooned another teaspoon of chocolate over the top as the third layer, and again gently mixed.
- I decorated the tops with a tiny bit of granola, and....
- refrigerate
I now have 15 chocolates that knock me out for bed all from only 2grams of bud.
Must stay refrigerated.
Things I'd do different?
I would add peppermint to the chocolate for a nice flavour. Or I'd add a tsp of maple syrup and some dried fruit, or sweetened coconut. Cranberries are nice in chocolate. So is broken up candy canes, or cookie. Also, the sweetness of your chocolate is up to you. You can use white, 70% Cocoa, semi sweet, or sweet. Or mix a couple. How about top layer white chocolate and bottom dark? Get creative.
Why did I do it that way?
I explained above why I kept the bud in the oil and mixed it into the chocolate. Since bud is a bit gritty it is necessary to add something to the chocolate to hide the gritty texture. Thus granola. Many things could work to hide that texture as it appeals to you.
The reason I did the math first was so that I could determine ahead of time how many pieces to make to get the right dose. I'm usually leery about making something and having the pieces come out different sizes and shapes resulting in each piece being a different dose. This is why I was super careful to measure exactly the same amount in the bottom, middle and top layers. It's also why I spooned them out in layers. If I had added the granola to the chocolate and mixed, I may not have gotten exactly the same dose per piece if one had more granola than another.
Have any questions? Or suggestions?
What have you made recently?
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